Procurement Probity Services

Probity is a fundamental part of every procurement project and activity. As probity issues can arise at any stage of a procurement activity, probity needs to be anticipated as early as possible when planning a procurement (pre-procurement) and must be considered throughout the entire procurement lifecycle including category management, early market engagement, market analysis, sourcing […]
Bid / Tender Process Management

Bid/Tender Specification The specification is a most important section of the invitation to tender documentation, both for the purchasing organisation and for potential suppliers, since it is the specification which sets out precisely what characteristics are required of the products or services sought. There are two main types of specification – the “functional” specification which […]
Enterprise & Supplier Development

ESD is a combination of Preferential Procurement, Supplier Diversity, Supplier Development and Enterprise Development programs to service business needs. Bareki provides consultancy and advisory on how organisation create their ESD Strategy, we work with ESD Management companies to provide training & incubation programs to support identified beneficiaries. Bareki collaborates with public sector entities, industry associations […]
Business Systems Optimisation

When management software systems are installed or upgraded, user requirements are sometimes lost in translation at the design stage. Standard functionality can be overlooked in favour of customised solutions, which are usually less flexible or transparent, and can jeopardise software vendor support agreements. Bareki specialises in reducing complexity, playing to the strengths of your existing […]
Procure To Pay Process Improvement

Procure-to-pay processes are at the core of company operations, but they can also be fraught with risk and inefficiency. Improving procure-to-pay processes by establishing appropriate controls can improve the efficiency of the whole enterprise, and make it more effective at growth and the processes around controlling and contributing to growth. Organizations that have invested in […]
Change Management

Change management is a systematic approach to enabling people in an organization to transition from their current state to a desired future state. Without adequate change management, there is a high risk of failure for the implementation of a new business strategy or operating model, or a program to reduce costs and improve operational efficiencies. […]

Outsourcing, or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), is at the top of many corporate agendas in today’s economy. With a focus on core competencies, more and more companies are outsourcing human resources, IT, procurement and other key business functions in order to reduce fixed costs, streamline and improve performance. Procurement plays a central role in any […]
Global Sourcing

As the need to gain competitive edge tightens, companies that were once content to cultivate their local and national markets are now keen to globalise their operations and tap into new markets. Global sourcing, and specifically low-cost country sourcing, is a hot topic. Legitimised by early pioneers, offshore providers proved their value as alternative resources. […]
Inventory & Warehouse Management

Effective inventory management is all about knowing what you have, where it’s stocked, and how much you’ll need. Easier said than done though. That’s where BAREKI brings value. BAREKI uses a multi-echelon approach toward inventory management to enable today’s global, inter-connected business operations prevent stock-outs and improve supply efficiency. With more than a dozen years […]
Master Data Management

Procurement and supply chain organizations across the world face a typical challenge — how to make sense of all the supplier and item master records, across all the different systems in the organization? Duplicate entries get out of sync, data expires and is neither renewed nor refreshed, and the number of entries expand far beyond […]